Children’s Rollerski Club

Huntly Nordic Ski Club will be running a Rollerski Club for children aged 5+. The aim of the club is to have fun whilst improving confidence and technique on rollerskis, and we may even enter some races! The club will meet at the Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre between 10.00am and 12.30pm on the following Sundays:

21st April
5th May
19th May
25th May (Saturday) – Huntly Sprints rollerski race.
2nd June
16th June

Cost £5 per session

Booking essential – email Malcom Cooper:

Clash trails Sun 14th April Even the Clash trails couldn't withstand last nights…

Clash trails Sun 14th April
Even the Clash trails couldn't withstand last nights rain & strong warm winds. The conditions have changed from good to marginal. The lower trails have lost a lot of snow but I was able to ski from the Biathlon Range around the Haute Route. But gaps are appearing as the thaw continues. Still plenty of skiing if you are local to the trails. The skiing will become increasingly marginal as the week progresses. Today was the 114th day of skiing this season.

Huntly Open Championship Results

This year we had a big field of 51 skiers in glorious sunshine. Thank you to all who took part or helped. In particular Chris Barton & Gordonstoun school for marshalling & timekeeping. A special big thanks to Colin Miller Miller & Jason Williamson for last minute snow shovelling that made the entire 8.6km course skiable.

A great battle for thwe first three places in the 8.6km race but Duncan Gibb just held off Charles Fletcher of CBNSC & Arne Bohle.
Duncan Gibb & Beth Maclean become Clashindarroch Cup & Quaich winners 2013. Well done.
Congratulations also go out to Andrew Musgrave, Andrew Young & Alex Standen who were competing in the World Cup 15km F in Davos today. Special mention should be made for Alex who was making his World Cup debut a great comeback after his serious injury last season.
Full Results here

Clash Conditions 2nd February 2013

Update From Pete: All trails are complete. There was 5-10cm of fresh overnight snow on a compacted base. The main trails have been groomed double width to allow skating as well as two classic tracks.

It was -1degC when I left forest & I dont think it got above freezing all day.

Alan says: Pete’s done a storming job getting around all those trails and conditions don’t get much better than this! Thanks to Peter and anybody else who helped with they pisteing today. Also a big thank you to Colin Miller for his trail clearing.

Clash Condition 28th January 2013

First surprise today was the car park — a sheet of ice giving no traction on tyres or on foot. Second surprise (more enjoyable) is that there has been no significant loss of snow at the Clash, except Cabrach Corner which looked patchy due to exposure to sun, wind and any rain. However, groomed trails have turned into neve and are disconcertingly fast. Trails under larches have been strewn with twigs, many of which I removed; while under the spruces there are millions of needles, giving something of braking effect. They will add a distinctive layer to the snowpack if it gets deeper. I spent most of this morning on the softer, sugary snow on the verges. A couple who had driven over from Boat of Garten sensibly decided that Sheepfolds was the better option than the groomed trails. There were also 2 other skiers out this morning. Surprisingly the car park was not too windy, but up at the Orange mast it was storm force. Here at Inverurie there have been dangerously violent crosswinds and gusts on the A96, on the exposed stretch at the north end of the bypass. Here is my report on Winterhighland:

“Groomed trails are now as hard as neve, and very fast, although for rather more comfortable skiing it’s usually possible to find softer, sugary snow on the verges. This means that ungroomed trails such as Sheepfolds should be more pleasant than the main trails. Compacted snow depths are 15-20cm, with 20-25cm on the uncompacted verges. The car park is currently a skid pan”.

Thanks to Colin Miller for report.