Lecht Winter Games

This season  snow factory technology will be trialled at several downhill centres this winter (Lecht, Glencoe, Cairngorm). BSS & SSS are involved with the Lecht trial where ~500m of x/c trail will be put in place. The flier from BSS gives an idea of what is going on. The club will be involved in the cross-country element of the project & organising things over the weekend 17/18 Feb 2018

Lecht Winter Games_17-18 Feb 2018

Huntly Sprints and Clash Hill Climb 2017 – results

Attached below  are the results from this weekend’s racing:

A big thank you to all the officials and helpers at this weekend of racing. Without their support we would not be able to put on these events. Yesterday’s sprints saw some of the best racing ever seen at Huntly with numerous photo finishes – visit our Facebook page to see one such finish.

A special thank you to all the British senior team & their coaches for their willingness to take part & support our event.

There are a whole bunch of great photos on our Facebook page (thanks Alan). And on the British Nordic page – thanks Bruce


Huntly Sprints_Mens Time Trial Results

Huntly Sprints_Ladies Time Trial Results

Huntly Sprints_Elite Knock Out race Results

Huntly Sprints_Plate & Novice KO races_27May17

Clashindarroch Hill Climb 2017_Results

Huntly Sprints and Clash Hill Climb

Our first rollerski races of the season are coming up on the weekend of 27th-28th May 2017.

The entry form can be found here:

01_Huntly Sprint Rollerski_Clash Hill Climb_entry form_2017update

Please can entry forms be returned prior to the event if at all possible.

A big change this year is for the Sprints in that we will be using our new Marwe 610 rollerskis. However the old Marwe barrel wheeled rollerskis will be available for those who prefer to use them. For the Hill Climb you need to bring your own classic rollerskis.

Update 9th May 2017

The entry form has been updated with the new race start time for the Clash Hill Climb. The race will now start at 9.30am and competitors need to meet at Rhynie at 8.30am.