Following the Huntly Sprints on Saturday, the Cairngorm Hill Climb was held on Sunday. This was the last event in the Scottish Rolllerski Series, so the final results for the series are included.
Huntly Championships 12 September 2009
The championships this year were blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. Visiting teams came from the RAF, GB Biathlon squad, Cairngorm and Highland Nordic. Callum Smith came took first place in the Seniors competition, whilst Sarah Young took first in the Ladies competition. Mike Dixon took the first veteran in the men’s race, and Fiona Crossley took first veteran female. Course records were once again set in the Senior Mens & Ladies 7.1km. In fact standards have risen so much that the first 10 men & first 9 ladies were inside the original course records set in 2005.
To the relief of the organizers, the council roads department had done a good job cleaning up the debris from last Thursday’s flooding. Practice on Thursday night had a distinctly “off road” feel by the car park entrance owing to the large amount of silt depostied by the Deveron.
This year marked the piloting of an automated lap counting and timing system. Despite a few teething troubles the system has proved a success and will, no doubt, be further developed for races next year.
The prizes were presented by George Gabriel. Thanks to all those who gave time to organize the races. Continue reading
A Wet Thursday In Huntly
Last week’s torrential rain didn’t dampen the enthusisam of Huntly skiers with quite a few members turning up for the practice night despite the rain. Rollerskiing was off the agenda but members took full advantage of the artifical matting to train. With the Deveron filling up throughout the evening getting out of the car park was a dicey exercise. Here are some photos from Claire Newman taken the day after.
- Flooding In the Car Park
- Looking towards the play park
- Flooding at the ski centre
- Towards The Rollerski Track
Hetton Lyons Results 5th September 2009
Here are the senior mens and ladies results from Saturday’s 20 km free technique race at Hetton Lyons from Adam Pinney. Congratualtions to Callum Smith, Andrew Young and Sarah Young for taking 1st & 2nd Places in the mens races and 1st Place in the Ladies race.
PDF Format With Juniors: GB08 Hetton 20km FT 05 Sep 09 Results
Huntly Race Timing Changes
This year’s Huntly Championships will mark a new stage in technological development for the club. In conjunction with Aberdeenshire Council we are piloting electronic timing for the races. Racers will have a chip strapped to their ankle similar to that seen in World Cup Events. The chip will register when the competitor goes over the start and finishing line.
The chip can also be used to generate split times and do lap counting – the bane of longer Huntly events over the last few years. The aim is to pilot the system in 2 or 3 races this year and hopefully have a fully automated system next year. This will probably involve permanently installing timing loops or a pipe for them in the rollerski track.
The system has already been used for cycling and triathlon events, but applying it to rollerski racing where there will be many races in one day and the layout of the Huntly track poses technical challenges for the timers.
Eileen, Sandy, Hilary and Claire can’t put their feet up as they will be responsible for the official timings this year and FIS regulations require a manual backup for any electronic timing system.
Site Has New Look
We’ve upgraded the wordpress theme that this site uses to the newer and much better looking Eos. This theme was created by SRS Solutions
Muzzy Donates Bib To Club
Last Thursday, 6th August Huntly Nordic and Outdoor Centre. Andrew Musgrave presented a framed bib from his first world cup race in Kusaamo to the club. Andrews’ race was the first British world cup Nordic start in 14 years and definitely worth celebrating.
Format For Hayes Races 8th August 2009
Adam Pinney has sent out this information
The next race in the British Roller Ski Series will be at Hayes on Saturday 8th August, starting at 4:00 p.m. The format of this race will be 2 x 10 km (2 x 6 laps) pursuit. Both legs will be on Start Combis and racers must stop after the classic leg, remove the rollers, put them back on again and start the skate leg.
Continue reading
SNSC Nordic Coaching Level 1 Course
Roger Homyer of Higland Nordic is running a nordic coaching course on the weekend of July 20-21st. If you’d like to develop your coaching skills in nordic skiing this could be a good place to start.
For more information click Snowsport Scotland Nordic Coaching Level 1 Course
Huntly Sprints And Hill Climb Results 30 May 2009
The official results of the Huntly Sprints are now available, Andrew Musgrave took first place in the Men’s event followed by Andrew Young and Callum Smith (a clean sweep for Huntly!) and Sarah Young won the Ladies event, Fay Potton took second and U16 Katy Homyer took 3rd .