Huntly Race Timing Changes

This year’s Huntly Championships will mark a new stage in technological development for the club. In conjunction with Aberdeenshire Council we are piloting  electronic timing for the races. Racers will have a chip strapped to their ankle similar to that seen in World Cup Events. The chip will register when the competitor goes over the start and finishing line.

Coming to an ankle near you

Coming to an ankle near you

The chip can also be used to generate split times and do lap counting – the bane of longer Huntly events over the last few years. The aim is to pilot the system in 2 or 3 races this year and hopefully have a fully automated system next year. This will probably involve permanently installing timing loops or a pipe for them in the rollerski track.

The system has already been used for cycling and triathlon events, but applying it to rollerski racing where there will be many races in one day and the layout of the Huntly track poses technical challenges for the timers.

Eileen, Sandy, Hilary and Claire can’t put their feet up as they will be responsible for the official timings this year and FIS regulations require a manual backup for any electronic timing system.

Muzzy Donates Bib To Club

Last Thursday, 6th August Huntly Nordic and Outdoor Centre. Andrew Musgrave presented a framed bib from his first world cup race in Kusaamo to the club. Andrews’ race was the first  British world cup Nordic start in 14 years and  definitely worth celebrating.

Close upd of Andrew Musgrave's bib

Close upd of Andrew Musgrave's bib

Andrew Musgrave Presents His Bib

Andrew Musgrave Presents His Bib

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Format For Hayes Races 8th August 2009

Adam Pinney has sent out this information

The next race in the British Roller Ski Series will be at Hayes on Saturday 8th August, starting at 4:00 p.m. The format of this race will be 2 x 10 km (2 x 6 laps) pursuit. Both legs will be on Start Combis and racers must stop after the classic leg, remove the rollers, put them back on again and start the skate leg.
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