HNSC Provisional Winter Calendar

Our provisional winter calendar can be found here Items in red or highlighted need to be finalised. This version is as of 25/10/19. I still need dates for the British champs in Ruhpolding and the date for the End of Season Mountain Tour will be weather dependent – here’s hoping it ends up being late in April

Huntly Sprints and Clash Hill Climb

The Huntly rollerski sprints and the Clash Hill climb are to be held on the weekend of Saturday 25th May/ Sunday 26th May 2019. An entry form is included below. Entries for both both races would be preferred in advance, but there will be no entries accepted for the Hill climb on Sunday. Last day of entry for the Hill climb is at the Huntly sprints on Saturday.

01_Huntly Sprint Rollerski_Clash Hill Climb_entry form_2019

2018 Huntly Championship Results

Paul Whibley Taking the fast way down

The weather gods smiled on Huntly for the second time this year with perfect weather for roller ski racing.  Just the right temperature and no rain!

We had a good number of entries this year with entrants from as far afield as Switzerland and a couple of spectators from Saskatoon Nordic ( It was particularly pleasing to see the service represented this year with entries from the Royal Engineers and RAF Nordic.


The results for the event are attached in the pdf below.  It was great to see Cameron Cruickshank get with in 3 seconds of Andrew Musgrave’s course record.

Cameron Cruickshank Receives his trophy from Roy Young

Huntly Sprints and Clash Hill Climb – results

The Huntly sprints and Clash hill climb were held over the weekend of 26-27th May with warm and sunny conditions which made for some wonderful races.  We also ran some mini sprints for all comers on the Friday evening, with entrants ranging from first time racers to experienced veterans. All the results are below:

Huntly Sprints_Elite KO races_26May18

GB03_Clashindarroch Hill Climb 2018_Results

GB02_Huntly Sprints_Time Trial Results_26May18

Mini Huntly Sprints 100m results

Thank you to all who took part and a big thank you to all the numerous marshals, without their support we wouldn’t be able to put on such a fine set of races.

There are lots of photos on our Facebook page – thanks Alan.

A special mention should be made of all four winners of the Clashindarroch Hill Climbs: Holly Rees-Lay, Jasmine Uth, Callum Smith & Logan Duncan all set the second fastest times ever for their respective climbs. Which according to my logic makes it the overall fastest Clash climb ever.


HNSC Open championships 2018

The HNSC open championships were held on Sunday 4th March 2018 in the Clashindarroch Forest. Snow conditions were excellent, and it was cold with further snow falling all day. Many thanks to everyone who helped with organising and running the event especially Jason, Rick and Colin for trail preparation.

Congratulations  to all 53 competitors, the results were:

Classic Race Results

Skate Ski Cross Race results