Tomorrow’s Clash Dash has been moved to Huntly Nordic and Outdoor Centre because snow conditions at the Clash are not suitable for racing. Some informat classic races will be held, any helpers welcome.
Olwen Gets World Cup Biathlon Qualification
First Day at JDS
My daughter has been signed up to attend the Junior Development Squad (JDS) this year so I have been recruited to be one of the parent helpers. The JDS is run by Huntly Nordic and Outdoor Centre, but receives support from the club in the form of helpers and coaches.
My daughter is only 5 years old which is right at the bottom of the age range accepted for the JDS so I was a bit concerned that she would struggle Continue reading
Malcom Cooper Claims Golden Boot
New club member Malcolm Cooper claimed the Haute Route Challenge golden boot on the morning of Friday 18th December.
Well done!
Salomon 3.1 Boots
Cross Country Ski Boots
Salomon 3.1 size 39 (6)
Clash Snow Conditions 29th December 2009
Finally made it up to the Clash, I’ve been stuck at home looking longingly at the snow in the back garden for the last week.
The road up from Rhynie was snowy but easily passable in a front wheel drive car equipped with snow tyres. Care shold be excercised on the sharp bends because the road is narrower than usual. About half of the car park has been ploughed out by the council, but I found a place easily at 1pm.
The temperature in the car park was -6 Centrigrade with blue skies and very little wind.
I skied up the main drag up to the turn off up short cut, turned left at the top and down Leid’s Leap, then up Deer Track down Biatlon start and along Rollercoaster. Then up then up the main drag to Highland Fling and then back down again.
Throughout the conditions were near perfect. Peter Thorn’s pisteing work had prepared most of the tracks (with classic loipe) I went down with the exception of Rollercoaster. There was plenty of snow on all routes it was in such good condition that it flattered your skiing skill.
Thanks to Colin Miller for cutting the fallen trees on Rollercoaster and elsewhere.
New BNDS Website
Volunteers Wanted For BritNordic Bag Pack
The annual BNDS bagpack is upon us once more at ASDA, Huntly between 10-4pm on Saturday 5th December.
Please let me know how many of your family members will be free to help by 29/11/09 so that I can plan who will do which slots. We normally do 2 hour shifts; i.e. 10-12, 12-2 and 2-4 manning up to 4 tills. I would like as many athletes as possible to take part to make the Squad visible to the local community who have always been very supportive of this national squad. In total I will need 4 athletes and 1 adult per 2 hour slot. Please wear the team GB jackets or the blue hoody or t-shirt (if you have one) on the day and I will hand out name badges.
Help Blind Nordic Skiers (and have a good holiday)
The club has been contacted by Vitalise looking for helpers on an upcoming ski holiday for blind skiers…
Enjoy a fantastic week of skiing and enable a visually impaired skier to do the same at a discounted price of just £489
Updated British Championships Programme
Here’s the updated programme for the British Championships at Ruhpolding.