Just in time for the winter Olympics…
Trail Maintenance Team Hits The Clash
It’s worth taking a moment to thank the people who spend time maintaining the trails in the Clash. It mostly goes unobserved, we just assume the forest grows in a handy way for us to ski around. Forest Enterprise has recently done a lot of work to cut back the trees on short cut which was getting a bit narrow. Here are some photos of club members Dave Horsley and Colin Miller sorting out some of the fallen trees yesterday. Guys thanks for the work!
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World Juniors Photos
Here are some photos from the recent World Junior Championships. Thanks to Trish Baron.
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Finns have no skis!
Reports from a contact in Finland have reached us that you can’t buy a pair of skis in Finland at the moment – maybe that’s an exaggeration. Apparently last year’s warm winter lead the ski importers it under order for this year. It’s been a snowy winter there too, so skis have sold out – Finns are now having to look abroad for their skis!
Club Newsletter #33
Peter has issued the latest newsletter with news of our Olympic entries
50 Skiable Days in the Clash
Although it looks like the thaw is setting in now, it’s worth noting we have reached an important milesone, 50 skiable days in the 2009/2010 season and we’re only at the start of February!
Full Moon Stomp Photos January 2010
Just to prove there are a few hard core skiers in the club here are the photos from this month’s Full Moon Stomp, which was held at the Bin Forest. I’m afraid I wimped out when I saw the snow that evening…
Dave says there were some excellent conditions, but the trip back to Udny was a bit nerve wracking.
Here are some comments from Ian
3 participants – Dave Horsley, Ken (Thompson) and Ian Cooper. Due to dodgy road conditions on the Cabrach Road the 3 skiers departed Huntly for the local ‘Bin’ forest for a very pleasant 2 hour ski around the un-groomed trails.
The wind, which had been blowing quite hard all Saturday abated and the forest was left in a state of peaceful tranquility under 2010s first and brightest ‘Perigee’ full moon – Perigee being the moon’s orbit when it is closest to the Earth and thus appears bright and large in the sky. The skiers were extremely lucky as the clouds cleared away leaving a beautiful moonlit landscape.
- Dr Dave prepares to ski
- Ian Cooper and Ken Thompson
- Just to prove it was full moon
- Market Muir Car Park
Special Offer on BNDS T-Shirts and Hoodies
This is a shameless advert…but it’s in an excellent cause and it’s a good offer.
There is never a better time than to support the British Team and the British Nordic Development Squad, than right now. Show solidarity and support the cause which helped put a Nordic Team to the Olympics. From 31 January until 28 February we are running a special offer as follows:
BNDS Hoodies & T-shirt combo:
Children £20 (save £7.50) Size Ages 9/11, 12/13 and 14/15 years (hoodie only) Adults £25 (save £9.50) Sizes Sm / Med / Lge / XL
T-shirts only
Children £7.50 Now £6
Adults £ 9.50 Now £7
Hoodies only
Children – Normally £20 NOW £17
Adults – Normally £25 NOW £22
To place order, contact: Rick Newman, richardnewman@clara.co.uk 077881 44554
while stocks last.
XC Zone On YouTube
Here’s a some content I found on the Cross Country Skier website. It links to the XC Zone YouTube Channel, which has some really high quality videos on Cross Country Skiing Technique
To go straight to the XC Zone You Tube Channel click here