JDS Week 5

Well, another week on snow, but we had to go up to the Clash this week to enjoy the white stuff, it’s definitely going in Huntly. I’m hoping for another dump somethime after next weekend!

I managed to get a lift to the Clash for Alice and myself from Eileen Cosgrove and I was very happy I did – the car park was mobbed and there was traffic parked along the verges by the Clash! Much to his wife’s amusement Malcolm Cooper managed to find a ditch to park in (leaving his car at an alarming angle) but fortunately managed to extract his vehicle without too much trouble. Continue reading

Snow Report 22nd February

Went up to the Clash this afternoon with Peter Thorn to do some pisteing and have a play around.

Ran the snowmobile over the Haute Route to Short Cut and then back via Herringbone Hill. Beware of the abandoned excavator if descending Herringbone Hill. Everywhere has continuous deep snow cover with excellent conditions.

Skied up Short-Cut and down Leids Leap. Again plenty of snow and it’s going quite fast at the moment on Leids Leap. Finally over to The Lair and up Secret Passage. Very nice powdery snow on this route.

You really can’t ask for better snow than this and a nice snow plough driver did the big part of the car park on Friday so there’s more parking.

Temperature -1C in the car park.

Snow Report 7th February 2010

After yesterday’s rather slow, damp snow, it was a degree colder today (plus 1 degree), which made all the difference, making the tramlines smooth and fast, and giving the off-piste just the zing it needed. Timberline is amazing. There’s a 2 metre high drift all along the top edge of the forest, with spectacular snow “dunes” reaching up 4 – 5 metres into the trees at one point (see photo attached). Val doesn’t mind if this ends up on a website.

Oh, and there are bears at the Clash — see other photo! I have not asked their permission to publish…

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Results of Club Survey

If you were good enough to fill in one of the survey forms at the end of last year, here are the results, collated by Peter Thorn

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SnowsportGB In Administration

Just in time for the winter Olympics…

Snowsport GB has officially gone into administration:
This will not affect the British skiers at the Vancouver Olympics as the British Olympic Association had placed a contingency plan in place. See their fuller statement at:

Trail Maintenance Team Hits The Clash

It’s worth taking a moment to thank the people who spend time maintaining the trails in the Clash. It mostly goes unobserved, we just assume the forest grows in a handy way for us to ski around. Forest Enterprise has recently done a lot of work to cut back the trees on short cut which was getting a bit narrow. Here are some photos of club members Dave Horsley and Colin Miller sorting out some of the fallen trees yesterday. Guys thanks for the work!

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