HNSC have been made aware that Aberdeenshire Council are seeking an alternative to the direct management of the Ski Centres in Aberdeenshire. The Club are concerned about this direction of travel as the current arrangement is beneficial to both parties in providing a cost effective service for the schools and the community. The Centre used to be managed by volunteers before but this was to the detriment of the sport and the club did not develop. Considerable success has been achieved since that time particularly in the development of young international skiers of whom 3 from Huntly competed in the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. The Club currently provide significant in-kind coaching and maintenance services to assist keep activity at an affordable level and a pathway into the club for adults and children.
Hilary’s Trip to Finland -In Search of a Ski Coach
By Hilary Musgrave
Last month I was chosen by the Ski Club to go with a group from Huntly to Juankoski in eastern Finland with the aim of exploring the possibility of setting up joint projects through an EU funded trans-national arrangement. I should say that by “chosen” I really mean that I was the only person who was available to go – so thank you very much to all those who were better qualified than me but busier! The liaison with Finland had been initiated by Juankoski after a group from the town visited Huntly last winter and instantly thought “this is the place we want to work with” – which was very flattering!
Ski Centre Courses
I’m sure club members won’t need reminding what good value Huntly Nordic and Outdoor Centre courses are, so here’s the flyer for the 2010/2011 season. Get booking now!
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Andrew Young’s Blog
Andrew Young, club member and olympian (mmm that sounds magnificent) has a blog that club members should enjoy reading.
Ski Centre Open Day November 2010
The ski centre open day went off very well this year. We had some excellent if chilly weather and it was very well attended. The club has gained at least one new member with a few more potential recruits.
Thanks to everybody who gave their time to make the day a success
Club AGM
The Club AGM was Thursday 28th October at Huntly Nordic and Outdoor Centre.
The new comittee are
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Club Races 11th September
The Club Championships took place this weekend. The weather started off very wet but dried out through the day. Aberdeenshire council came through with a patch to the track where the river had washed it out last autumn.
Thanks to all those who spent time marshalling and lap counting and cleaning the track. Also thanks to the ski centre and Aberdeenshire Council for hosting the event.
Callum Smith took first place in the Men’s competition and Posy Musgrave took the laurels for the Women.
Muzzy Has Interview with FasterSkier
There’s an interview with Andrew Musgrave at
Ski Centre Rollerski Courses
Huntly Nordic Ski Centre is hosting the following courses for the holidays.
Age 8-16 (allowance will be made for slightly younger if you have been using rollerskis at JDS) 1hr per day Monday to Friday £25 per child per block
Suitable for those who have done the primary school sessions on Tuesdays or have their Orange JDS award
26th to 30th July inc. or 9th to 13th August inc. 11am to 12pm.
Suitable for those with their Red, Blue or Purple JDS awards
19th to 23rd July inc. or 2nd to 6th August inc. 11am to 12pm.
Please Book in advance
Cairngorm Results
Here are the results from the rollerski races at Cairngorm
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Photos are available from the Cairngorm Website.