Category Archives: Racing

News about nordic ski racing

Huntly Sprints and Clash Hill Climb – Results

After a great weekends racing in brilliant warm and sunny weather, resulted in some very close finishes. The final results are:

GB02_Huntly Sprints_Ladies TT Results_28May16

GB02_Huntly Sprints_Mens TT Results_28May16

GB02_Huntly Sprints_KO Elite Race Results_28May16

GB02_Huntly Sprints_KO Plate Novice Race Results_28May16

GB03_Clash Hill Climb_Results_29May16






Huntly Sprints and Clash Hill Climb Results

The results of the Huntly sprints and the Clash Hill Climb are attached below. A special thanks to all the marshals & helpers on both days. Without whose support, patience & good humour we would not be able to run these events.

GB03_Clash Hill Climb_Results_31May15

GB02_Huntly Sprints_Mens TT Results_30May15

GB02_Huntly Sprints_Ladies TT Results_30May15

GB02_Huntly Sprints_KO Plate Novice Race Results_30May15

GB02_Huntly Sprints_KO Elite Race Results_30May15

Huntly Open Championship Results

This year we had a big field of 51 skiers in glorious sunshine. Thank you to all who took part or helped. In particular Chris Barton & Gordonstoun school for marshalling & timekeeping. A special big thanks to Colin Miller Miller & Jason Williamson for last minute snow shovelling that made the entire 8.6km course skiable.

A great battle for thwe first three places in the 8.6km race but Duncan Gibb just held off Charles Fletcher of CBNSC & Arne Bohle.
Duncan Gibb & Beth Maclean become Clashindarroch Cup & Quaich winners 2013. Well done.
Congratulations also go out to Andrew Musgrave, Andrew Young & Alex Standen who were competing in the World Cup 15km F in Davos today. Special mention should be made for Alex who was making his World Cup debut a great comeback after his serious injury last season.
Full Results here

Tour de Ski Round Up

congratulations to Andrew Musgrave who finished his second Tour de Ski by finishing 52nd after the final 9km hill climb stage yesterday. This is the same place as he finished last year but I suspect in percentage terms he has improved a lot, especially after his 11th place in the Sprints. There were 7 stages this year compared to 9 last year.

Also congratulations to Andrew Young for taking part in his first Tour. He only planned to complete the first two stages in preparation for the World Juniors later this month. He looks on form.

And finally congratulations to Roy Young for masterminding another successful foray into international competition for British skiers.

Muzzy Takes 11th in Tour Sprint

Andrew Musgrave took 11th place in the Tour de Ski sprint final today, an outstanding achievement. Huntly skier Andrew Young did not such a good day after taking a fall earlier in the day. Fiona Hughes is also skiing for the UK in this year’s tour. The event was won by Norway’s Finn Haagen Krogh, with Kikkan Randall from the USA taking the women’s title.

Best wishes to all our guys for the rest of the event.