Category Archives: Club

News about Huntly Nordic Ski Club

Clash Conditions and Work Party

Yesterday a crack team of work people from the club cleared 250m of drainage ditch on the Haute Route to improve drainage and skiing! Thanks to Pete, Dave, Colin, Hilary, Jason and Rick for sacrificing your Sundays.

Peter Thorn noted that there was 5-8cm of snow which made the trails just about skiable. There has been a good fall of snow since so conditions will probably be good for the next few days, especially if the forecasted snow turns up on Friday.


Muzzy Takes 11th in Tour Sprint

Andrew Musgrave took 11th place in the Tour de Ski sprint final today, an outstanding achievement. Huntly skier Andrew Young did not such a good day after taking a fall earlier in the day. Fiona Hughes is also skiing for the UK in this year’s tour. The event was won by Norway’s Finn Haagen Krogh, with Kikkan Randall from the USA taking the women’s title.

Best wishes to all our guys for the rest of the event.

Winter 2012/13 Calendars

Peter Thorn has issued a draft calendar for the upcoming winter ski season. I have also received a JDS program and listing of courses run by the ski centre this winter from Sandy at the ski centre. Please see below

[attachments fields=”label,title,size” title=”2012/13 Winter Calendars”]


First Winter Snow 2012/13

Aberdeenshire received a mild dose of snow yesterday afternoon, followed by a bit more yesterday evening. Jason Williams managed to complete the golden boot tour at 5pm yesterday, with Colin Miller having abandoned an attempt to secure the coveted footwear earlier in the day for lack of snow cover.

Jason noted that there has been some track disturbance owing to recent logging operations in the Clash. Hopefully Forest Enterprise can be encouraged to make good the tracks and take down the keep out signs before the season really kicks off. He was unavailable for comment regarding the state of his ski bases after the tour ;).

There was good skiing to be had this morning early with 7-12 cm in the car park, although rising temperatures through the day mean the snow is unlikely to last that long.  Colin Miller commented today that the meteorological conditions that have driven this snow episode should hopefully resume soon, so get waxing for more pre-Christmas ski opportunities. Colin also noted that analysis of his records shows that has there have been very few winters that have had such good snow in October.

Outdoor Centre Open Day

This year’s open day has been scheduled for 4th November 2012. Any club members who would like to come along and help run the day will, as ever, be extrememly welcome. Please publiscise the event to the wider world.


Club AGM Minutes

The club Annual General Meeting was held last Thursday 18th October. The committee remains largely unchanged except that Eileen Cosgrove has stepped down as Lead Coach, here place was filled by Malcolm Cooper. Malcolm and Kay Cooper have been driving the successful Sunday Kids Club. Nick May stepped down as Child Prote

Dave Horsley Receives His Cup

his scouting activities. Club membership subscriptions will remain the same in 2013/14, in the longer term the may be forced up by the running costs of the snowmobile.

Dave Horsley was presented with his cup for first Veteran in the British Rollerski Series. Eileen Cosgrove received a boquet to thank her for all the effort she has put into coaching over the last few years.

Club members are reminded that subs are now due!

Eilieen Cosgrove Receives a Boquet.









Huntly Championships 2012

This year’s Huntly Championships were blessed with some of the best weather we have seen in the last 5 years. From the start of the races we had wall to wall sunshine and not a drop of rain fell on the track all day.

There was an impressive turn out in the Novice class with 11 entrants highest number in any group for the day, it was great to see so many younger skiers racing. Caringorm put in a good showing in this class with club members Connor Sinclair and Stephanie Dare picking up the first boy and girl titles respectively. Huntly skier Laura Patterson picked up the fastest U10 title, beating her mother Zosia by 34 seconds.

Huntly also did well in the U12/U14 3.7km race, Oliver Newman managed to beat his brother Fergust to 1st U14, while Lynne Gray stole a 5 second lead over Beth Maclean in the U14 F classification.

In the older age groups Cairngorn dominance reasserted itself, with Robers Sircus and Hector Cowie taking off the Senior and U18 titles. Second and Third place in the Senior race was a close run thing with Carl Carrier seeing off Carl Pointer  by a  narrow 10 seconds. Watch out  next year Mr Carrier! Huntly Skier Duncan Gibb took faster U16 M while David Horsley was the fastest Vet M. Fiona Crossley had a lonely race taking first place Vet F.


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Sunday Morning Kids Club Update

The first Sunday morning children’s club has held at the ski centre yesterday (2nd September). We were delighted to see 19 children join the group this week!  The weather was perfect and there were plenty of ice creams sold at the end of the session.

Thanks very much to Stuart Gray for providing some desperately needed help looking after all those children. Also thanks to Milly from the Ski Centre assisting in kit issue and clean-up.

The next weekend is 16th September, and we may well see even more members, so any extra helpers from the club would be welcomed.