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News about Huntly Nordic Ski Club

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More Flooding At The Ski Centre

You might have noticed Huntly made the national news on Monday following flooding in the town on Sunday night. That flooding had to include the area covered by the ski centre, fortunately the buildings were unscathed, but there have been many tonnes of shingle dumped on the rollerski track and there has been quite a lot of damage to the track as well.

Below are some photos from Carys Thorn and others

Huntly Nordic And Outdoor Centre Open Day

Despite the terrible weather the Ski Centre open day  went ahead today. Hardy skiers turned out with visitors from as far afield as Glasgow and Crieff, although numbers were considerably down on 2008. Sessions were held througout the day on to give members of the public tasters in Nordic Walking, Nordic Skiing and downhill technique on Nordic Skis.

Visitors At the Outdoor Centre Open Day

Visitors At the Outdoor Centre Open Day

Huntly Youth Ski Club Announced

This new initiative to attract more young people into nordic skiing has been made possible by sponsorship from RiserTec Ltd. We should also acknowledge the practical support given by the Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre & Aberdeenshire Council.
Any coaches who could spare time to assist Andy Miller in running these sessions please let me know.
Download the club application form  Huntly Youth Ski Club Application

Improve Your Coaching Skills

Club members will be aware of the Junior Development Squad which runs from Christmas through to Skiers Please ApplyEaster for youngsters of 6 – 18 years. This is run with a great deal of coaching support from the Club, but has also traditionally relied heavily on parent helpers. This year those helpers will be particularly important as we will potentially have less instructors available per session due to some of them being needed to support athletes in international competition!

For anyone who feels they could help, we will be running coaching sessions at Club night (Thursday 7.30 – 9pm) from 5th November to the Christmas holidays (initially). These sessions are focussed on developing your personal skiing technique in the first instance, and may also be of interest to those thinking of working towards their Level 1 Snowsport Scotland Coaching Award.

Huntly Championships 12 September 2009

Exhausted Racer

Exhausted Racer

The championships this year were blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. Visiting teams came from the RAF, GB Biathlon squad, Cairngorm and Highland Nordic. Callum Smith came took first place in the Seniors competition, whilst Sarah Young took first in the Ladies competition. Mike Dixon took the first veteran in the men’s race, and Fiona Crossley took first veteran female. Course records were once again set in the Senior Mens & Ladies 7.1km. In fact standards have risen so much that the first 10 men & first 9 ladies were inside the original course records set in 2005.

To the relief of the organizers, the council roads department had done a good job cleaning up the debris from last Thursday’s flooding. Practice on Thursday night had a distinctly “off road” feel by the car park entrance owing to the large amount of silt depostied by the Deveron.

This year marked the piloting of an automated lap counting and timing system. Despite a few teething troubles the system has proved a success and will, no doubt, be further developed for races next year.

The prizes were presented by George Gabriel. Thanks to all those who gave time to organize the races. Continue reading

A Wet Thursday In Huntly

Last week’s torrential rain didn’t dampen the enthusisam of Huntly skiers with quite a few members turning up for the practice night despite the rain. Rollerskiing was off the agenda but members took full advantage of the artifical matting to train. With the Deveron filling up throughout the evening getting out of the car park was a dicey exercise. Here are some photos from Claire Newman taken the day after.