Club Events

November 2022

Events are different to the club programmes (Please see the Calendar page for the programme we run) because they tend to run on a particular day and often allow for more than club members to register and attend.  For instance the club “sprint Roller ski race” usually takes place in May and our Ski O day is usually early in January.

This page is aimed at giving information about events and allowing people to register for the event.

We’ve had some difficult years recently for running events due to the pandemic and the storms closing the forest, but we are planning our normal Winter calendar of events (see below) which weather and snow willing we hope will all go ahead this year.


Any questions Email

Youth groups

Sunday Morning Training (SMT) is a training group aimed at facilitating young skiers (11-18yrs, able to ski at Blue award level) to develop. It builds on the enjoyment of skiing gained during Nordic Kids Club, After –School Skiing, JDS and/or any other avenue the skier has had into the sport.

The new season starts May 1st, and runs most Sunday’s 10 till 12. The annual fee for this programme is £40 and will be payable after the first session. More details of the programme through the Spond group.

The SMT training offers development of skiing skills & the opportunity to learn about participation in an endurance sport. Where possible it also offers the introduction to touring and wider skiing opportunities in Scotland and further afield.

Importantly SMT is open to interested young skiers that wish to take their skiing further by training regularly; without any preconditions of the individual having to undertake racing or having a stated aim to join one of the established programmes where racing is an expectation.

Race/Performance Group (RPG) has been developed to further enhance the offering, provided through SMT, to those young skiers, but also to any adults, who wish to progress towards being athletes who participate in racing. Principally the target audience is skiers looking to race internationally in this season e.g. BNDS youth races abroad, Engadin/ Vasaloppet/ Birkebeiner ski marathon.

The aim is to facilitate athletes training together for a hard or very hard session. Focus is on interval sessions relevant to training in a systematic way for endurance sport.

The new season starts May 4th, and runs most Wednesdays 19:30 till 20:45. The annual fee for this programme is £40 and will be payable after the first session. More details of the programme through the Spond group.

She Makes Track (Tracks) is a programme aimed at girls (10 to 18 years old) & led by female coaches. The aim is to build fun, friendship, and confidence through skiing and related activity. The group is aimed at skiers of all levels of ability, including beginners and accomplished skiers. It meets once a month, mostly on Saturdays. Starting 30th April 10:00-11:30 Cost is £15 per year. Dates & more information through Spond.

Club Sessions

Thursday night is ski night. Club session run every Thursdays 19:30 to 21:00 (The club tea pot is normally on the go at 20:45 if the adults have finished winning the obligatory race against the Juniors)

Juniors Thursdays

A coach leads a session aimed at Junior skiers (& linked to the SMT programme, but not just for that group of Youths) each week. The new season is starting May 5th at cost of £1.00 a night.

Senior programme

All Adult club sessions are £2.00 a night

A coach will lead a structured session on most Thursday nights which is available for all adults that come along. At times we run a mini programme for specific aims which is open to all club members but we will ask people to book in to aid the coach of the programme. With our races coming up we will be running the coached sessions on roller skis to the end of June.

Club members wanting an un-coached session are always welcome to come along and ski on the mat or on rollers in the recreational ski.

Recreational ski Thursdays

Ski with friends. We will have someone help you get kit sorted and make sure the kettle is on for the best cup of tea of the week. Cost for adults £2.00 per night

Racing in 5 Thursdays

For the run in to the Huntly Sprints we are running 5 nights to give confidence to adults wanting to meet the challenge of participating in the races at the end of May. Session 1 is Thursday April 28th & each Thursday up to the 26th. May. (Even if not racing these will be fun sessions encouraging improvement in skills and use of terrain). If you are already joined up to the HNSC Club sessions group on the Spond app, invitations will be sent out automatically. However, if you’ve not a member of the group but would like to be, please use the link below: Alternatively, contact Roy for more information on or turn up at the Huntly Nordic Outdoor Centre this Thursday and we will get you sorted!

Beginner Roller Ski Skills & Bring a friend Thursdays

Starts June 2nd & for the next 4 nights (last night is June 23rd). We want to encourage members to try aspects of the sport so if you’ve not skied on Rollers before here’s a friendly way to try it. As we are always open to new members it would be great if we could get friends involved – new skiers get one free session to try it & then are asked to join the club if they wish to carry on skiing with us. (We will be advertising this more broadly to recruit new members to the sport)

For more information on any of the things in programmes or events in this update please email me

Simon Bate, Chair; Huntly Nordic Ski Club