British Olympic Team Announced

The British Olympic Association (BOA) officially announced the names of the cross-country skiers that will represent Britain at the

Andrew and Roy this Summer

Vancouver Winter Olympics in February. They are: Andrew Musgrave (19) & Andrew Young (17) both Huntly Nordic SC & Fiona Hughes (19), Yorkshire Dales Cross-Country SC.

Andrew Musgrave in 2008

Britain were entitled to send one male & one female skier to the Olympics. We earned an additional third place by virtue of Andrew Musgrave being ranked in the top 300 in the World. The two Andrews achieved the ‘A’ selection criteria (sub 100 FIS) & Fiona the ‘B’ standard (sub 140 FIS points). Callum Smith (17) from Huntly also achieved the ‘A’ criteria but unfortunately there were only places for two men.
HNSC would also like to mention & extend commiserations to the other skiers that mounted such serious challenges for places in the Olympic Team: Sarah Young, Posy Musgrave, Alex Standen (Huntly), Simon Platt (Lakeland CCSC) & Marc Walker (Army). It shows how far British skiing has come to have such a depth of talent.
More information is available at:
And also at where there is news of the British Team at the World Junior Championships currently underway at Hinterzarten. And also read about the other younger skiers who will be challenging for places in the senior squad very soon.
Read the Head Coach’s blog at
And to round things off Lee-Steve Jackson (Army) was the sole British athlete selected for Biathlon.

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