Huntly Ski Centre Changes

HNSC have been made aware that Aberdeenshire Council are seeking an alternative to the direct management of the Ski Centres in Aberdeenshire.  The Club are concerned about this direction of travel as the current arrangement is beneficial to both parties in providing a cost effective service for the schools and the community. The Centre used to be managed by volunteers before but this was to the detriment of the sport and the club did not develop.   Considerable success has been achieved since that time particularly in the development of young international skiers of whom 3 from Huntly competed in the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.  The Club currently provide significant in-kind coaching and maintenance services to assist keep activity at an affordable level and a pathway into the club for adults and children.

In looking forward, the Club are supportive of any initiative which will keep this National Centre of Excellence open and share a concern for current staff employed at the Centre in these uncertain times.  We welcome any discussions with the Council and third parties in the Community which may facilitiate a broad based approach to the management of this facility, in partnership with others. The Centre is too important to Huntly to be lost for the sake of relatively small budget savings