Improve Your Coaching Skills

Club members will be aware of the Junior Development Squad which runs from Christmas through to Skiers Please ApplyEaster for youngsters of 6 – 18 years. This is run with a great deal of coaching support from the Club, but has also traditionally relied heavily on parent helpers. This year those helpers will be particularly important as we will potentially have less instructors available per session due to some of them being needed to support athletes in international competition!

For anyone who feels they could help, we will be running coaching sessions at Club night (Thursday 7.30 – 9pm) from 5th November to the Christmas holidays (initially). These sessions are focussed on developing your personal skiing technique in the first instance, and may also be of interest to those thinking of working towards their Level 1 Snowsport Scotland Coaching Award.
Undertaking this course in no way commits you to anything, and you will not be expected to lead sessions with the JDS although those interested in the Coaching Scheme will be given the opportunity to shadow qualified instructors and be introduced to teaching techniques during the season if

they should so wish. We would, however, ask that if you decide to do the course, you make every effort to attend regularly as it will build week by week.

There is no extra charge for these sessions, just the regular Club fee of £2 per night.

If you are interested, please reply to