Huntly Sprints and Clash Hill Climb

The scottish rollerski series begins the 2024 season with the Huntly sprints on Saturday 25th May. Competitors battle it out over multiple time trial course and seeded head to head knock out race to find out who is fastest round our track.

This is then followed by the grueling Clashindarroch Hill Climb on Sunday 26th May. The course begins in the historic hamlet of Rhynie climbing 202m over 8.05km to the Forest car park through a rural glen.

Entries close Wednesday 22nd May.
Enter here

Huntly Nordic Ski Club – Huntly Roller Ski Championship 2023

Huntly Nordic Ski Club are hosting the 4th race in the 2023 Scottish Roller Ski Championship Series

  • Date: Saturday 9th September 2023
  • Location: Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre, Hill of Haugh, Huntly, AB54 4SH
  • Organisers: Huntly Nordic Ski Club (supported by Aberdeenshire Council)

Bib-collection from 9am with safety briefing and course practice from 9.30-10am.

Racing starts at 10am with courses for all ages and abilities including:

Hill Course – skiers must be competent to ski big hill
* Sen/Vet 7.1km (10 laps)
* U18/U16 5.1km (7 laps)
* U14/U12 3.5km (5 laps)

Intermediate Course – open to all ages able to ski smaller hill

* 2km (5 laps of “the cut”)

Novice Flat Course – open to novice skiers of all ages who would prefer not to ski downhills

* 1.2km (2 laps of outer)

(Any ages can ski Intermediate & Novice races. Their Series points will be allocated sequentially behind Hill Course results, with
Intermediate ranking higher than Novice.)

All races will be time-trial format.

Registration deadline is 9am on Thursday 7th September. Registration is online only. There will be no registrations on the day.

More details and registration can be found on Spond here:

Results for the Huntly Sprints and Clash Hill Climb May 2023

The results for the Sprints and Hill Climb can be found below:

Huntly Sprints_Results_2023_FINAL RESULTS


Clashindarroch Hill Climb 2023_Results_FINAL-1


Thankyou to all the participants for coming and taking part, we hope you had a great two days of racing. Also a big thankyou to all the volunteers who helped at both events, without your help and support we couldn’t run the races.

Clash Dash Results

Attached are the time trial results from Sunday’s Clash Dash. Well done to all 37 skiers who set times. A particularly competitive male vet race.

To add to these 37 skiers are numerous younger JDS skiers who skied over shorter courses in head-to-head races.

Thank you to everyone who helped today. This was easily the largest number of skiers taking part in a Clash Dash.


Ski-O 2023 Results

Scottish snow can be be so unpredictable. With a couple of days to go we thought we might have to cancel because of icy conditions then on the day, in superb sunshine we had perfect conditions. Thank you to all who took part. With 38 participants it was easily the biggest field we’ve had for a Ski-O. I hope you all enjoyed it.

A big thanks to Peter, Elizabeth, Kirstie & Dave who helped set the course then did the timing & organising on the day.



Huntly Nordic Champs – new dates

The new date for the Club Roller Ski Championships will be 1st October 2022

The Registration page can be found by clicking here

If you registered previously we will hold the registration you made before (you don’t need to re-regsiter). If you registered for the 10/9 but won’t be able to come to the new date, please email

Racing will be held over three courses

  • Main GB Series Race distances: Seniors 7.1km (10 laps), U18/U16 5.1km (7 laps), U14/U12 3.7km (5 laps).
  • Main races will follow laps of the hill loop – all skiers must be competent to handle downhills.
  • For skiers not confident of main course downhill have option of Intermediate Race, 2km (5 laps of middle loop).
  • There will be a novice race following the flat outer loop for less experienced & younger rollerskiers. 1.8km (3 laps).

Race Rules and time table can be found here and here.

Entries in advance only deadline is 12 midnight Thursday 8th September. Entry forms can be found on Spond here

Results from Huntly Sprints and Clashindarroch Hill Climb

The Sprints results are shown below, apologies for the delays in producing the results, with two years off from running the races we were clearly out of practice.





Thank you to all of you who took part or helped out at the Clashindarroch Hill Climb. I trust you have all dried out. Apologies with the delay in getting these results out, but we had some technical issues compiling them.

05 Clashindarroch Hill Climb 2022_Results_

Club Sprints and Clash Hill Climb 2022

The Snowsport Scotland Roller Ski Series kicks off in Huntly with the Huntly Sprints and Clashindarroch Hill Climb Roller Ski Races at the end of May.
Huntly Sprints, Saturday 28th May for experienced and less experienced skiers over flat and hill courses.
Clashindarroch Hill Climb, Sunday 29th May for experienced skiers only.

All entries should be made online as no entries are accepted on the day. Entries close at midnight on 26th May for both events.
For full information and online entry please follow the links below:

Huntly Sprints

Clashindarroch Hill Climb

We look forward to welcoming you to our races.


Man roller skiing down hill at speed

Huntly September Rollerski race

The Huntly September Rollerski races were held on Saturday 11th September 2021.

Great day and great racing despite a little rain. Thanks to all the club volunteers that helped produce a good event. There are lots of great photos on the club facebook page – see HNSC Facebook

Results for the races are available in the Club event page

Hill course races

Sen/Vet 7.1km (10 laps)

U18/U16 5.1km (7laps)

U14/U12 3.5km (5laps)

Open intermediate race, 2km (5laps) – open to all ages able to ski the smaller hill

Novice Flat Race 1.2km (2laps) -flat course for junior novices

Click here for entry forms on Spond

Thursday Club Night

Thursday night is ski night. Club session run every Thursdays 19:30 to 21:00 (The club tea pot is normally on the go at 20:45 if the adults have finished winning the obligatory race against the Juniors)

Juniors Thursdays

A coach leads a session aimed at Junior skiers (& linked to the SMT programme, but not just for that group of Youths) each week. The new season is starting May 5th at cost of £1.00 a night.

Senior programme

All Adult club sessions are £2.00 a night

A coach will lead a structured session on most Thursday nights which is available for all adults that come along. At times we run a mini programme for specific aims which is open to all club members but we will ask people to book in to aid the coach of the programme.

Club members wanting an un-coached session are always welcome to come along and ski on the mat or on rollers in the recreational ski.

Recreational ski Thursdays

Ski with friends. We will have someone help you get kit sorted and make sure the kettle is on for the best cup of tea of the week. Cost for adults £2.00 per night

Beginner Roller Ski Skills & Bring a friend Thursdays

Starts June 2nd & for the next 4 nights (last night is June 23rd). We want to encourage members to try aspects of the sport so if you’ve not skied on Rollers before here’s a friendly way to try it. As we are always open to new members it would be great if we could get friends involved – new skiers get one free session to try it & then are asked to join the club if they wish to carry on skiing with us. (We will be advertising this more broadly to recruit new members to the sport)

For more information on any of the things in programmes or events in this update please email me

Simon, Chair; Huntly Nordic Ski Club

Winter Events Calendar

The winter calendar can be found below:


Club nights continue at the Centre from 19:30 to 21:00   We are continuing to use Spond for booking in for the club sessions via a Thursday Club Night group.  There are options for you to use the group shown below.

Option 1 – already a Spond app user

* For those people who already use the Spond app on a mobile device, please just enter the group code (ZGGFF) at the bottom of the “Groups” page and follow the instructions. 

Option 2 – happy to download the Spond app

* For those who do not have the app yet, but would like to use it, please click below to get a download link:

Then follow the instructions to join the group. 

Option 3 – don’t like the idea of an app

* If you would rather not download the Spond app, you can still join the group and be notified of events by e-mail. In this case, please contact and you will be added to the group manually. You will receive an email invitation to respond to and then an invitation to join the group.

Once you have joined the HNSC Club Sessions group (through app or email), you will have access (via the Spond app) to the calendar of events. You will automatically receive an invitation to each event 24-hrs prior and will be asked to accept or decline. There will also be the option to send a message to the organiser if there are any queries. You can choose to leave the group at any time.

Option 4 

One of the coaches will add you to the group when you come to club night.  

We will of course be happy to talk to people about this at club sessions.

One of the main advantage for all of us is that we won’t need to out in all our details each time we sign up to a Club night.  

(We will review how this goes but the experience of the other groups has been good)

You can decide on the night if you want to join the coached session or not. If you want to bring your own (old) skis for using the mat that could be very helpful until the centre’s new skis are available – it gives the skis a good polish but if you don’t do too many sessions it should cause no real damage. But don’t feel you have to bring your own skis, definitely don’t bring your new or best skis